Other Links
If you want to purchase a uniform for your boy, you can read more about Uniform requirements here from the national Royal Ranger site. Currently, our uniforms consist of: The uniform we/parents decided on was a utility shirt, blue cargo pants, and black tennis shoes.
One of our “Ranger Moms,” Heather Newingham, takes care of ordering uniforms for us. Please contact Heather Newingham to inquire about a uniform.
Contact: Heathernewingham@yahoo.com
Open Door Church
Learn more about Open Door Church, the dynamic church where we host Royal Rangers. The church, under the leadership of Pastor Stephen Mizell, is a large multi-ethnic church that serves nearly 1,000 people per week through campuses in Chowan and Bertie Counties.
The Bible
If you or your children are interested in learning more about God through the Bible, the easiest place to start is BibleGateway.com. There, you can pick from any number of translations of the Bible and encounter God’s Word. We suggest the New Living Translation (NLT), or the New International Version (NIV).