For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believes in him should not perish but have everlasting life.
John 3:16
Leaders who invest in the next generation of men
Boys of all ages come to Royal Rangers to have fun, go camping, hike, spend time outdoors, learn lessons in life and leadership, and grow into men who are good members of society, husbands, and fathers.
There, at each weekly meeting, campout, hike, and event, are men who believe it is essential to invest in these boys, to teach them the lessons they need to grow into the men they ought to be.
Our leaders are dedicated to providing a safe, secure, enjoyable, and spiritually nurturing environment for all boys at all times.
Meet Brian
My name is Brian Furlough. I am the outpost coordinator. I've been involved in Royal Rangers for 18 years - 3 years as an early teen and 15 years as a leader.
Royal Rangers was launched as a ministry to help equip and empower boys. I am passionate, along with the other leaders, about mentoring boys to help them become Godly young men and leaders today and tomorrow.
I’ve seen firsthand how the programs, outings, camping trips, weekly meetings, and intentional discussions with boys help shape their lives through adolescence and into adulthood.
The boys who spend formative years in this program learn to respect leadership, our nation, the flag, and authority. They learn essential life lessons and skills, develop independence, and learn to love God, their church, and their fellow man. I want to invite boys and their parents to check out Royal Rangers.
Here, they’ll find a safe, fun, engaging, and, most importantly, spiritually nurturing environment specifically designed for the unique needs of boys.
Steve Scheren
Steve works for USCG Search and Rescue and specializes in survival and first aid. Steve has a servant’s heart and a desire to pass on the lifelong lessons he learned as a boy.
Jared Harrell
Jared works for North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service as the Perquimans Extension Director. Jared has two boys and a family farm. Jared has a passion for working with youth and inspiring them to learn about Jesus, by showing the boys the principles of the Royal Rangers program.
Drew Ravenscraft
Drew has spent the better part of 20 years working in Healthcare and taking care of patients on an Ambulance. He has always had a desire to help people and serve his community. Working with the boys in Royal Rangers he will help develop tomorrow's leaders with Faith and Service. Drew is very excited about passing down his lessons and skills and working for the future of His Kingdom.
Becoming a Leader
As a part of a national organization, any adult who wants to lead or support our outpost must meet the following requirements: complete a background check (paid for by Open Door Church) and maintain a godly lifestyle throughout the duration of their time leading Royal Rangers. Here are the additional requirements for being a Royal Ranger leader.
Leaders must be born-again Christians, well-grounded in the Word of God, displaying a consistent testimony in daily Christian living, and possessing habits and ideals that are above reproach.
Leaders must have a heart for ministering to boys and enjoy working with them.
Leaders must be willing to take Royal Rangers leadership training and conduct their outpost activities in accordance with established standards for the Royal Rangers ministry.
Leaders must be loyal to their church, cooperating with the programs and ministries of the church, submitting to those in authority, and supporting the Pastor’s vision for ministry.
Leaders must be capable of leading and delegating authority, possessing sound judgment, accepting and fulfilling responsibilities, and commanding the respect of others.
Leaders must be at least 21 to serve as an Outpost Coordinator or Group Leader (Commander) or at least 18 to serve as an Assistant Group Leader.
Leaders must complete the Ranger Safety online course once every 3 years and agree and understand that it is paramount that they take every action needed to ensure the safety of the boys within their care. Other online training for leaders exists as well for convenience.