Royal Rangers
With God's help, I will do my best to serve God, my church, and my fellow man, to live by the ranger code, to make the golden rule my daily rule.
Royal Ranger Pledge
Welcome to Royal Rangers Outpost 264 at Open Door Church in Edenton, NC!
We are a passionate group of men and boys eager to explore nature, learn about Christ, become leaders, and raise up a generation of young men ready to serve Christ and the world.
What is Royal Rangers?
Royal Rangers is a ministry specifically designed to engage, teach, and mentor boys aged 5-18. Through an extensive merit badge system, outdoor events like camping and hiking, and weekly meetings, our leaders instill a love of God, country, and our fellow man in boys. Since 1962, Royal Rangers has provided a wide range of safe and age-appropriate experiences for boys.
Our Leadership
Royal Rangers is a Christian-based youth organization founded in 1962 that mentors and develops boys between the ages of 5 and 18 into responsible and productive members of society through a variety of activities and programs focused on life skills, leadership, character building, and spiritual growth. Meet the leaders investing in the lives of the latest generation of Royal Ranger boys.
Getting involved
As a part of a national organization, any adult who wants to lead or support our outpost must meet the following requirements: complete a background check (paid for by Open Door Church) and maintain a godly lifestyle throughout the duration of their time leading Royal Rangers.
Calendar of Events
We stay very busy, so don’t forget to check out our calendar of events.