About Royal Rangers
ALERT - He is mentally, physically, and spiritually alert. CLEAN - He is clean in body, mind, and speech. HONEST - He does not lie, cheat, or steal. COURAGEOUS - He is brave in spite of danger, criticism, or threats. LOYAL - He is faithful to his church, family, outpost, and friends. COURTEOUS - He is polite, kind, and thoughtful. OBEDIENT - He obeys his parents, leaders, and those in authority. SPIRITUAL - He prays, reads the Bible, and witnesses.
Royal Ranger Motto
What is Royal Rangers?
The Royal Rangers program is a church ministry for boys and young men that aims to evangelize, equip, and empower them to become Christlike men and lifelong leaders. It provides character and leadership development in a fun and highly relational environment that fits well with other church ministries. The program is designed based on the unique needs and interests of boys and young men, and it includes Bible-based learning about integrity, doctrine, manhood, and cultural issues. The program also helps boys develop social, leadership, and service skills. Each local church outpost follows a program of activities based on the interests and abilities of the boys in the group, with details about the advancement system available on their website.
You can summarize the mission of Royal Rangers as follows:
EVANGELIZE - We will reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ by bringing together a community of men and boys who will connect with others through a variety of activities guys commonly enjoy.
EQUIP - We will train and resource our adult and junior leaders to effectively apply the Royal Rangers program within their areas of responsibility.
EMPOWER - We will provide opportunities for men and boys to improve their churches and communities through the practice of servant leadership.
Royal Rangers incorporates a dedicated curriculum for four specific age groups:
We currently focus on the Discovery Rangers curriculum as most of our boys attend school in grades 3-5, but we are interested in growing the Royal Rangers program. Have a heart for working with a different age group? Learn more about being a leader here: [link]
Ranger Kids-Kindergarten-2nd grade
The Ranger Kids Advancement Trail is a fun program for boys in kindergarten, first and second grades. It consists of fifteen steps, divided into three sub-trails, which can be completed in three years. The program aims to provide every boy with opportunities for adventure and fun. The highest award is the Ranger Kids Gold Trail Award, awarded upon completing all fifteen advancement steps.
Discovery Rangers-Grades 3-5
Discovery Rangers is a Royal Rangers group for boys in 3rd-5th grades. It provides opportunities for adventure, skill development, leadership, and growth. The advancement trail comprises three types of merits: Bible merits, skill merits, and leadership merits. Boys can choose from over 50 skill merit options and complete specific requirements to earn merits. Bible lessons are typically taught each week during the weekly Discovery Rangers meeting, while skill merits can be completed both in meetings and outside. Leadership merits involve team-building activities and personal development.
Adventure Rangers-Grades 6-8
Adventure Rangers is a Royal Rangers group for boys in grades 6-8. The group offers opportunities for boys to learn, grow, develop new skills, and practice leadership and teamwork. The Adventure Rangers Advancement Trail includes completing a specific number of Bible lessons, skill merits, and leadership merits. Adventure Rangers can choose from over 70 green skill merit options, which include various topics such as archery, canoeing, photography, and skateboarding.
Expedition Rangers- Grades 9-12
Expedition Rangers is a Royal Rangers group for boys in grades 9-12. It offers opportunities for boys to learn new skills, make friends, practice leadership, and grow into the young men God created them to be. The program features an advancement trail that consists of the completion of merits (awards earned by completing specific requirements), Spirit Challenges (group Bible study), skill merits (fun things to do and learn), and leadership merits (team-building activities and personal development). The boys can choose from over 80 silver skill merit options or over 200 skill merits of all color categories.
Gold Medal of Achievement
The Gold Medal of Achievement (GMA) is the highest award available to boys in the Royal Rangers program. To qualify for GMA, one must complete several requirements, including earning the highest awards in at least two age groups, reading the entire Bible, being an active member for at least three years, and completing the GMA Capstone Project. The GMA with Merit and GMA with Honors are additional recognitions that can be earned by meeting additional requirements. Once awarded, the GMA can be represented on the uniform by a medal, ribbon, or patch, and the GMA with Merit and GMA with Honors are represented by a gold star and two stars, respectively, on the GMA medal or ribbon.
Merits and Information about Advancement
Merits are the building blocks of the advancement systems in Discovery, Adventure, and Expedition Rangers. They are categorized by the color of the border on the merit patch and the type of material covered. Skill merits aim to develop skills in various subjects and are classified into three color categories: BLUE, GREEN, and SILVER. Leadership merits and Bible merits are also required for advancement. Bible merits represent the discipleship system for Discovery and Adventure Rangers, while Spirit Challenge Awards represent the same for Expedition Rangers.
This spring, we are working on the following merits:
Bible Merit 06
Bible Merit 07
The Royal Ranger Emblem
The design of the Royal Rangers Emblem is based on the points of a compass to represent the direction and pathway God has given us through His Holy Word. The colors of the points have the following meaning:
The four GOLD points represent the four ways a boy grows. The Royal Rangers program has been designed to help boys grow mentally, physically, spiritually, and socially, following the example of Jesus Christ in Luke 2:52.
The four RED points represent the four core beliefs of the Church: Salvation, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Divine Healing, and the Second Coming of Christ.
The eight BLUE points represent the eight points of the Royal Rangers Code. A Royal Ranger is Alert, Clean, Honest, Courageous, Loyal, Courteous, Obedient, and Spiritual.
Royal Rangers FAQ
Royal Rangers is available for boys from ages 5 to 18.
They are encouraged to attend and engage. We believe every boy is valuable and deserves to learn about God in a fun, safe, and engaging environment. We are committed to making sure your boy has a terrific experience and are happy to make accommodations to meet their needs so they can have a terrific experience.
Yes! We encourage it! If your boy has never attended before, stick around and see firsthand how we conduct our meetings, and we’d love for you to be involved, too.
Most outings and events are 100% cost-free. Some events have a small fee, but we keep costs down to meet every situation. If you need help with specific costs, we are available to help.
This video here provides a perfect explanation for why Royal Raers continues to serve bo
Weekly, Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 at 1255 Haughton Rd. Edenton.
We put a strong emphasis on spiritual mentoring. Each weekly meeting includes a Bible lesson or devotional message, which forms the foundation of the program. Devotional messages are presented at all levels of the program, and testimonies abound of boys who accepted Christ or rededicated their lives to Him during these services—hands-on skill merits with the approach of teaching and doing. Leaders teach and allow them to perform what they were just taught. The program also emphasizes the importance of safe and intentional interactions between men and boys, where faith is shared and life lessons are imparted. Spiritual mentoring is at the heart of the Royal Rangers program.
Yes. Periodically, we meet for outings on Saturdays, like hiking and camping trips. N.C. Royal Rangers events, National Royal Rangers, Southeast region Royal Rangers events. Training for boys and leaders. You can find information about when these outings/events/trainings are happening on our calendar.
We take the safety and well-being of your boy with the utmost seriousness. Whether they are in the building or on the grounds with us on Wednesday night, hiking or camping with us, they are surrounded by men who have passed background checks, are experienced working with boys, and have high moral character. We follow standard safety procedures with all boys from the moment they arrive until they leave.
Yes, it is very similar to Boy Scouts or Cub Scouts/trail life in terms of some merits, with a specific emphasis on teaching our boys to be Christlike. Like these other programs, we go hiking and camping and teach a wide range of outdoorsmen activities, giving them skills to be confident as they grow. But everything we do incorporates our boys' walk with Christ.
See Heather Newingham. Her email address is Heathernewingham@yahoo.com